Our preschool is staffed with trained early childhood educators. Each member of our school faculty is sensitive to the needs of the children and their families and has a strong commitment to quality Jewish education.

 In order to uphold the high standards of our program, staff development is ongoing throughout the year. This ensures that our teachers remain alert to the ever-changing needs of today's families and to the findings of current research.

Our director and our teachers are a dedicated group of professionals whose level of commitment to each child does not stop at the classroom door, and whose commitment to early childhood education is truly an avocation. As a result, they bring to their jobs a unique and special blend of professional skills and personal experience. 


Director: Debbie Howard

Debbie Howard is a native of Northern Virginia. She went to West Springfield High School before going to the University of Rhode Island for college. Debbie taught preschool for 10 years before getting her Masters in Early Childhood Education from GMU. She was the Preschool Director at Agudas Achim Preschool for three years before stepping away to have her second child. Debbie lives with her husband and two sons in Fairfax.   


Lead Teacher: Faith Dunmore

Morah Faith or as her grandkids say, "bubby" is a long time preschool educator in Northern VA.  She has taught both in the Jewish and non Jewish community and with all ages of early childhood. In 2012  Morah Faith received the Outstanding Inclusion Teacher of the Year Award for Preschools in Fairfax County. Faith is a lifelong learner and passionate about inclusion for all children.  Morah Faith loves storytelling and teaching about Tikun Olam.


Lead Teacher: Beth Weller

Beth is originally from California but has lived in Northern Virginia for the last 30 years. At 20 years old, she discovered Montessori and was inspired to become a preschool teacher. She worked in a Montessori classroom for 12 years before stopping to raise a family. Beth returned to teaching in Jewish preschools where she learned about Reggio and the importance of free play and exploration. She finds great pleasure in sharing Judaism with her students. "Teaching the youngest children gives me so much joy as I watch them grow and change during the year".  Beth is passionate about the holidays and Shabbat and is looking forward to singing, playing, and exploring with our Gan family.

Teacher: Suzy Bah

Suzy is originally from Israel and brings her Israeli flavor, Hebrew expertise and joy to the classroom. Suzy has been a teacher for many years in Israel and Northern Virginia-  both in Gesher and the JCC. SHe has been teaching at Gan Israel for over 10 years for all ages. Suzy is dedicated and artistic and helps the children create beautiful artwork, while instilling a love for Judaism.

Assistant Teacher: Aviya Isaacson

Aviya brings her patience, warmth,and passion for Jewish education to our youngest class. Aviya has worked in Preschool with 2-5 year olds from 2009  as a co-teacher, and as a main Judaic teacher for ages K-2 for 3 years in the Chabad Academy from 2012 -2015.