We should give to others out of a sense of responsibility realising that what we have is also a gift from G–d, granted to us with a purpose, so that we will help others. Our prosperity is a trust which we must steward and generously share with those in need. The Tzedakah campaign calls for an increase in giving as well as the conspicuous display of a Tzedakah box to serve as a reminder to give often every weekday. And our sages told us, “Tzedakah is great, because it brings the redemption near.”
The Myth of Charity
By Yanki Tauber
"Charity" is commonly regarded as a basic tenet of Judaism; in fact, the term tzedakah means something else entirely
Charity: an Anthology
Compiled by Yanki Tauber
How to give, how to receive, what it means, what it does, the cosmic significance, a dialog with the moon, and ramblings on stress and love...
Eight Degrees of Giving
By Chaya Shuchat
Preserving the dignity of the receiver is a cornerstone of mitzvah of charity: Maimonides lists eight levels of giving, correlating to the degree to which the giver is sensitive to the needs and feelings of the recipient
The Other Charity
An excerpt from the first "public letter" issued by the Rebbe
Editor's note: Several times a year, usually in the weeks before Rosh Hashanah and Passover, the Rebbe would pen a public letter, addressed to "Our brothers and sisters, the sons and daughters of Israel, everywhere," which would be printed in many copies ...
The One Dollar Life
By Yanki Tauber
Open your wallet. Take out a single dollar bill. Place it on the table in front of you. Take a long, contemplative look at it. In many ways, this is the most spiritual thing you own
The Rusty Penny
By Tuvia Bolton
Rabbis and beggars alike avoided the home
The Czar's Rubles
By Tuvia Bolton
"Do you know where all our rubles come from?" said Igor to Ivan. "The Czar himself has them minted in his palace! So why doesn't he just keep all the rubles he needs, and we'll keep ours?"
Seventy Kopeks
Told by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch
That's the profit from the sale of a calf in the marketplace of the White Russian town of Lubavitch
Iron Pots
By Tuvia Bolton
The Rebbe's youngest son, Shmuel, who was seven years old at the time, wandered around the room, talking to the men who sat tearfully reading Tehillim as they waited to be received by his father...
Global Redemption
To CNN and little children alike: “Goodness and kindness” will hasten Moshiach’s coming.
The "Sunday Dollars" Receiving Line
From all over the world they came, all types of people from all walks of life, seeking blessing, counsel, inspiration…