
The Torah describes Tefillin as a sign, a public statement of Jewish involvement. By donning Tefillin every day an individual gives expression to his basic feeling of Jewish identity and its importance to him. The Tefillin are placed on the arm, facing the heart, and on the head. This signifies the binding of one’s emotional and intellectual powers to the service of G–d. The straps, stretching from the arm to the hand and from the head to the legs, signify the transmission of intellectual and emotional energy to the hands and feet, symbolising deed and action.

Our sages explain that the verse, “And all the nations of the world shall see that the name of G–d is called upon you, and they shall fear you”, applies to Tefillin. Tefillin are a medium to bring safety and security to Jews in the present era and hasten the coming of the ultimate security which will be experienced when Mashiach comes.

The Rebbe instituted this campaign on the eve of the Six Day War and specifically requested that soldiers in the Israeli Defence Forces should lay Tefillin and that this would protect them in battle.


 Tefillin & its Significance  
Tefillin is one of the most important Mitzvot (precepts) of the Torah. It has been observed and treasured for thousands of years, right down to the present day.

                                                                                    Some Laws of Tefillin
The Basic Laws and the order of Putting on the Tefillin.

Blessings For Tefillin
The Blessings and Prayers; translated and transliterated

 Stories                                                                                                         Inspiring stories about the Mitzvah of Tefillin.

Essays                                                                         Two informative essays about the importance and holiness of Tefillin.